Doubly linked list algorithm in Java

While singly-linked lists have many uses, they also present some restrictions. For one thing, singly-linked lists restrict node traversal to a single direction: you can't traverse a singly-linked list backward unless you first reverse its node links, which takes time. If you do a reverse traversal and need to restore node-traversal to the original direction, you will have to repeat the inversion, which takes more time. Singly-linked lists also restrict node deletion. In this type of list, you cannot delete an arbitrary node without access to the node's predecessor.

Fortunately, Java offers several types of list that you can use to search and sort stored data in your Java programs. This final tutorial in the Data structures and algorithms series introduces searching and sorting with doubly-linked lists and circular-linked lists. As you'll see, these two data structure categories build on singly-linked lists to offer a wider range of searching and sorting behavior in your Java programs.

A doubly-linked list is a linked list of nodes where each node has a pair of link fields. One link field lets you traverse the list in a forward direction, whereas the other node lets you traverse the list in a backward direction. For the forward direction, a reference variable holds a reference to the first node. Each node links to the next node via the "next" link field, except for the last node, whose "next" link field contains the null reference to signify the list's end (in the forward direction). The backward direction works similarly. A reference variable holds a reference to the forward direction's last node, which you interpret as the first node. Each node links to the previous node via the "previous" link field. The first node's "previous" link field contains null to signify the list's end.

Try to think of a doubly-linked list as a pair of singly-linked lists, each interconnecting the same nodes. The diagram in Figure1 shows topForward-referenced and topBackward-referenced singly-linked lists.


Figure 1. Traversing a doubly-linked list forward and backward

Creating, inserting, and deleting nodes are all common operations in a doubly-linked list. They're similar to the operations you learned for singly-linked lists. (Remember that a doubly-linked list is just a pair of singly-linked lists that interconnect the same nodes.) The following pseudocode demonstrates the creation and insertion of nodes into the doubly-linked list shown in Figure 1. The pseudocode also demonstrates node deletion:

DECLARE CLASS Node DECLARE STRING name DECLARE Node next DECLARE Node prev END DECLARE DECLARE Node topForward DECLARE Node temp DECLARE Node topBackward topForward = NEW Node = "A" temp = NEW Node = "B" topBackward = NEW Node = "C" // Create forward singly-linked list = temp = topBackward = NULL // Create backward singly-linked list topBackward.prev = temp temp.prev = topForward topForward.prev = NULL // Delete Node B. =; // Bypass Node B in the forward singly-linked list. = temp.prev; // Bypass Node B in the backward singly-linked list. END

Example application: CRUD in a doubly-linked list

The example Java application DLLDemo demonstrates how to create, insert, and delete nodes in a doubly-linked list. The application's source code is show in Listing 1.

Listing 1. A Java application demonstrating CRUD in a doubly-linked list

public final class DLLDemo { private static class Node { String name; Node next; Node prev; } public static void main(String[] args) { // Build a doubly-linked list. Node topForward = new Node(); = "A"; Node temp = new Node(); = "B"; Node topBackward = new Node(); = "C"; = temp; = topBackward; = null; topBackward.prev = temp; temp.prev = topForward; topForward.prev = null; // Dump forward singly-linked list. System.out.print("Forward singly-linked list: "); temp = topForward; while (temp != null) { System.out.print(; temp =; } System.out.println(); // Dump backward singly-linked list. System.out.print("Backward singly-linked list: "); temp = topBackward; while (temp != null) { System.out.print(; temp = temp.prev; } System.out.println(); // Reference node B. temp =; // Delete node B. =; = temp.prev; // Dump forward singly-linked list. System.out.print("Forward singly-linked list (after deletion): "); temp = topForward; while (temp != null) { System.out.print(; temp =; } System.out.println(); // Dump backward singly-linked list. System.out.print("Backward singly-linked list (after deletion): "); temp = topBackward; while (temp != null) { System.out.print(; temp = temp.prev; } System.out.println(); } }

Compile Listing 4 as follows:


Run the resulting application as follows:

java DLLDemo

You should observe the following output:

Forward singly-linked list: ABC Backward singly-linked list: CBA Forward singly-linked list (after deletion): AC Backward singly-linked list (after deletion): CA

The Java Collections Framework includes a Collections class of utility methods, which is part of the java.util package. This class includes a void shuffle(List list) method that "randomly permutes the specified list using a default source of randomness." For example, you might use this method to shuffle a deck of cards expressed as a doubly-linked list (the java.util.LinkedList class is an example). In the pseudocode below, you can see how the Shuffle algorithm might shuffle a doubly-linked list:

DECLARE RANDOM rnd = new RANDOM DECLARE INTEGER i FOR i = 3 DOWNTO 2 swap(topForward, i - 1, rnd.nextInt(i)) END FOR FUNCTION swap(Node top, int i, int j) DECLARE Node nodei, nodej DECLARE INTEGER k // Locate ith node. Node nodei = top FOR k = 0 TO i - 1 nodei = END FOR // Locate jth node. Node nodej = top FOR k = 0 TO i - 1 nodej = END FOR // Perform the swap. DECLARE STRING namei = DECLARE STRING namej = = namei = namej END FUNCTION END

The Shuffle algorithm obtains a source of randomness and then traverses the list backward, from the last node up to the second. It repeatedly swaps a randomly selected node (which is actually just the name field) into the "current position." Nodes are randomly selected from the portion of the list that runs from the first node to the current position, inclusive. Note that this algorithm is roughly excerpted from void shuffle(List list)'s source code.

The Shuffle algorithm pseudocode is lazy because it focuses only on the forward-traversing singly-linked list. It's a reasonable design decision, but we pay a price for it in time complexity. The time complexity is O(n2). First, we have the O(n) loop that calls swap(). Second, within swap(), we have the two sequential O(n) loops. Recall the following rule from Part 1:

If f1(n) = O(g(n)) and f2(n) = O(h(n)) then (a) f1(n)+f2(n) = max(O(g(n)), O(h(n))) (b) f1(n)*f2(n) = O(g(n)*h(n)).

Part (a) deals with sequential algorithms. Here, we have two O(n) loops. According to the rule, the resulting time complexity would be O(n). Part (b) deals with nested algorithms. In this case, we have O(n) multiplied by O(n), resulting in O(n2).

Note that Shuffle's space complexity is O(1), resulting from the helper variables that are declared.

Example application: Shuffling in a doubly-linked list

The Shuffle application in Listing 2 is a demonstration of the Shuffle algorithm.

Listing 2. The Shuffle algorithm in Java

import java.util.Random; public final class Shuffle { private static class Node { String name; Node next; Node prev; } public static void main(String[] args) { // Build a doubly-linked list. Node topForward = new Node(); = "A"; Node temp = new Node(); = "B"; Node topBackward = new Node(); = "C"; = temp; = topBackward; = null; topBackward.prev = temp; temp.prev = topForward; topForward.prev = null; // Dump forward singly-linked list. System.out.print("Forward singly-linked list: "); temp = topForward; while (temp != null) { System.out.print(; temp =; } System.out.println(); // Dump backward singly-linked list. System.out.print("Backward singly-linked list: "); temp = topBackward; while (temp != null) { System.out.print(; temp = temp.prev; } System.out.println(); // Shuffle list. Random rnd = new Random(); for (int i = 3; i > 1; i--) swap(topForward, i - 1, rnd.nextInt(i)); // Dump forward singly-linked list. System.out.print("Forward singly-linked list: "); temp = topForward; while (temp != null) { System.out.print(; temp =; } System.out.println(); // Dump backward singly-linked list. System.out.print("Backward singly-linked list: "); temp = topBackward; while (temp != null) { System.out.print(; temp = temp.prev; } System.out.println(); } public static void swap(Node top, int i, int j) { // Locate ith node. Node nodei = top; for (int k = 0; k < i; k++) nodei =; // Locate jth node. Node nodej = top; for (int k = 0; k < j; k++) nodej =; String namei =; String namej =; = namei; = namej; } }

Compile Listing 5 as follows:


Run the resulting application as follows:

java Shuffle

You should observe the following output from one run:

Forward singly-linked list: ABC Backward singly-linked list: CBA Forward singly-linked list: BAC Backward singly-linked list: CAB

The link field in the last node of a singly-linked list contains a null link. This is also true in a doubly-linked list, which contains the link fields in the last nodes of the forward and backward singly-linked lists. Suppose, instead, that the last nodes contained links to the first nodes. In this situation, you would end up with a circular-linked list, which is shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2. A circular-linked list connects the last node to the first node

Circular-linked lists, also known as circular buffers or circular queues, have many uses. For example, they're used by operating system interrupt handlers to buffer keystrokes. Multimedia applications use circular-linked lists to buffer data (for example, buffering data being written to a sound card). This technique is also used by the LZ77 family of lossless data compression algorithms.

Throughout this series on data structures and algorithms, we've considered the strengths and weaknesses of different data structures. Since we've focused on arrays and linked lists, you might have questions about these types specifically. What advantages and disadvantages do linked lists and arrays offer? When do you use a linked list and when do you use an array? Can data structures from both categories be integrated into a useful hybrid data structure? I'll try to answer these questions below.

Linked lists offer the following advantages over arrays:

  • They don't require extra memory to support expansion. In contrast, arrays require extra memory when expansion is necessary. (Once all elements contain data items, no new data items can be appended to an array.)
  • They offer faster node insertion/deletion than equivalent array-based operations. Only links need to be updated after identifying the insert/delete position. From an array perspective, data item insertion requires the movement of all other data items to create an empty element. Similarly, deletion of an existing data item requires the movement of all other data items to remove an empty element. All data item movement takes time.

In contrast, arrays offer the following advantages over linked lists:

  • Array elements occupy less memory than nodes because elements don't require link fields.
  • Arrays offer faster access to data items, via integer-based indexes.

In summary, linked lists are most appropriate when dealing with dynamic data, meaning programs where insertions and deletions are frequent. In contrast, arrays are most appropriate for programs where data is static, meaning it's rare to insert or delete new data items. (Recall that if you run out of room when adding data items to an array, you must create a larger array, copy the original array's data items to the larger array, and dispose of the original. This takes time, which affects performanceespecially when done repeatedly.)

You might think that merging a singly-linked list with a one-dimensional array to access nodes via array indexes would accomplish nothing. You would waste memory because you need array elements plus nodes, and you would waste time because you need to move the array's data items whenever you insert or delete a node. In fact, it can be beneficial to integrate an array with a linked list to create a hybrid! While it's out of the scope of this series, the hash table is a great example of array/linked list cooperation.

Tutorial series conclusion

This tutorial series has introduced the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms. I've focused on two data structure categories, Java arrays and linked lists, which are the basis of more complex data structures such as stacks, queues, trees, graphs, dictionaries/maps, and sets. I encourage you to keep exploring and learning about data structures, and algorithms. As a starting point, Java Collections Framework includes many useful data structures and algorithms you could explore.