What is the name of attack when an attacker sends series of DNS requests with spoofed source address being the target host?

BIND security

Allan Liska, Geoffrey Stowe, in DNS Security, 2016

Response Rate Limiting

No organization wants their authoritative DNS server to be used in a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) amplification attack, but the fact is that any is a potential target for attackers. To that end, BIND introduced the concept of Response Rate Limiting (RRL) in version 9.10. RRL limits the number of queries from a host that the authoritative name server will respond to over a given period of time.

RRL in BIND requires at least version 9.10 and BIND must be compiled with -enable-rrl during the configure phase of the install. Once BIND has been compiled with RRL support enabled activating it is as simple as adding a statement to the options section of the named.conf file:

rate-limit {responses-per-second 5;};

This code snipped limits the number of responses per second to 5 to a specific host. Remember, from Chapter 4, the way a DNS amplification attack works is that the attacker launches millions of small forged queries that appear to be originating from the target of the attack. The authoritative server has a much larger response and all of those responses are directed at the target. By limiting the number of queries per host that the authoritative server will respond to the DNS Amplification attack becomes muted.

There is a danger in limiting the number of responses in that it may create false negatives, in other words the DNS server may drop legitimate traffic.

To that end BIND provides the ability to test the configuration by enabling log-only mode, to see if legitimate traffic is dropped using the new configuration:

 rate-limit {

      responses-per-second 5;

      log-only yes;


That snipped will implement the same rule, but it will only log the results, not drop any traffic.

BIND also provides the option to make exemptions to this rule for certain hosts. For example, the secondary name server or the organization’s mail server may need to make frequent queries to the DNS server. In cases like that DNS administrators can add an exemption statement, such as the following:

 rate-limit {

  responses-per-second 5;

  exempt-clients {;};


This will allow the DNS server to respond to any query made by, no matter how many queries are made per second.

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Mohammad Reza Khalifeh Soltanian, Iraj Sadegh Amiri, in Theoretical and Experimental Methods for Defending Against DDOS Attacks, 2016


Denial of service (DoS) attacks are now one of the biggest issues in the Internet. Distributed denial of service (DDoS) Smurf attack is an example of an amplification attack where the attacker send packets to a network amplifier with the return address spoofed to the victim’s IP address. One of the major properties of our solution to identify and mitigate DDoS attacks, which is distinct from other solutions, is the manner in which routers and firewalls communicate to each other to reduce false rejection rate (FRR) and false acceptance rate (FAR) as much possible as they can. The attackers are able to break into hundreds or thousands of computers or machines and install their own tools to abuse them. The objective of this project is to propose a practical algorithm to allow routers to communicate and collaborate over the networks to detect and distinguish DDoS attacks. This algorithm allows the detection of DDoS attacks on the servers as well as identify and block the attacks.

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Windows DNS security

Allan Liska, Geoffrey Stowe, in DNS Security, 2016

Windows and DDoS

As discussed earlier in the book, DDoS attacks are a common problem with DNS infrastructure. Networks can be involved either as the target of the attack or as an unwitting participant, and administrators should prepare for either scenario. On Windows there are three areas to explore: so called “out of bailiwick” responses, response rate limiting (RRL), and BCP-38 configuration. As of 2016, all three are still under active discussion in the DNS community, so recommendations may change based on new development.

If a server is configured as an authoritative name server but not a recursive resolver, how should it respond to recursive requests? More technically, how should it respond to requests for which it is nonauthoritative? One approach is to ignore them or return an error. Historically DNS has taken the approach of always trying to provide useful information, so it will often return an “upward referral response” that contains the root hints file. The logic being that the client can query the root to start finding the actual authoritative server. These responses are called “out of bailiwick” because the server is not authoritative for them. In reality, most resolvers will ignore out of bailiwick responses, since they can be considered a form of cache pollution. And while seemingly innocuous, the practice of returning root hints can be used in DNS amplification attacks, since it is a relatively large response. An attacker would take advantage of this by querying DNS servers for nonauthoritative or nonexistent domains. A best practice for administrators is to disable this behavior since it provides little benefit to clients. As of Server 2016, Windows will respond with an error by default. On earlier versions, administrators can disable the behavior by deleting the root hints file.13

Another addition in Windows Server 2016 is what is called RRL. The motivation is to mitigate DDoS attacks by capping how many packets a server will send to a particular IP. Instead of generating responses at line speed, a server will only send (by default) five identical responses per second to any given client. By default this is disabled, but can be turned on with the command “Set-DNSServerRRL.” The rules can be further tweaked to limit how many error messages are sent per second, how many IPs should be grouped together for filtering, and how often the filters should be overridden to allow responses to “leak” out.14 The Leak Rate is to help prevent RRL itself from being exploited as a DoS vector. For example, if an attacker knew that the IP address used the DNS server, it could launch what appears to be a DDoS attack against using spoofed packets sent to If the DNS server used RRL, it would then dutifully block further queries from (assuming the attacker used domains the target would be legitimately querying). This could turn a relatively small DDoS attack into a complete lack of access to DNS. As described by Paul Vixie and Vernon Schryver in their memo on RRL, “LEAK-RATE must be from 2 to 10 and should approximate the real victim’s retry count on a legitimate query.”15

When large-scale DDoS attacks take place against DNS infrastructure, a common refrain is that the problem would be largely fixed if everyone implemented BCP-38. In fact, its title is “Defeating Denial of Service Attacks which employ Address Spoofing.” BCP-38 is essentially a set of network-level filters, such as verifying the reputed source IP on a packet is within the range of IPs connected to an interface. If, for example, an ISP sees many packets coming from a residential customer with the source IP of a government web site, it should be able to tell that those are spoofed. Since these are network-level filters there are not too many direct implications for a Windows administrator. It is simply another available tool when setting up a security plan.

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Domain name system security and privacy: A contemporary survey

Aminollah Khormali, ... David Mohaisen, in Computer Networks, 2021

3.1 Amplification and DoS attacks

A DNS amplification attack is a reflection-based DDoS attack. In DNS, an amplification attack is done by issuing a small number of DNS queries that are later transformed into a considerably large payload coordinated at the target network. The high level architecture of a typical DNS amplification attack is demonstrated in Fig. 3. The attacker hides the exploit source and directs the DNS response into the target address through spoofing look-up requests issued to DNS servers. It is difficult to defend against such an attack, since it originates from legitimate servers with legitimate traffic.

A wide variety research works have been conducted to detect and mitigate DNS amplification attacks [7–15,81,82]. For instance, Ballani et al. [8] have presented a simple method based on caching behavior analysis of DNS resolvers to defend against DNS DoS attacks. They have stored cached records with TTL in a stale cache. Then, the stale cache can be used by a resolver that does not receive any response from the authoritative name servers. Herzberg et al. [10] have designed an anti-reflection system, providing DNS authentication, which nullifies the amplification factor of the DNS responses abused for DoS attacks. DNS authentication is composed of two subsystems, namely a request authentication that detects and filters requests sent from spoofed IP addresses, and resolver authentication that maintains a list of potentially compromised hosts. They have deployed the resolver authentication as a cloud-based service to further reduce costs and provide additional defenses for DNS servers. Furthermore, Rijswijk-Deij et al. [82] investigated the potential for abuse in DNSSEC-signed domains in a large scale, covering 70% of all signed domains in operation. Their analysis demonstrate that DNSSEC in-fact empowers DNS amplification attacks for a particular query type, ANY. In addition, Rossow [81] has investigated Distributed Reflective Denial-of-Service (DRDoS) attacks through revisiting well-known UDP-based protocols, including network services, online games, file sharing networks, and botnets to assess their security against DRDoS abuse. His analysis revealed that attackers already started abusing 14 protocols through bandwidth amplification and multiplying the traffic up to a factor 4670.

MacFarland et al. [11] examined a large number of domains ( 129M) and authoritative servers (1.1M) to investigate the inherent DNS amplification risks associated with DNS authoritative name servers. Their analysis showed that only a small number of authoritative servers (3.8%) are responsible for the highest amplification factors. In addition, their analysis revealed that adoption of DNS response rate limit is limited to less than 3% of authoritative servers. Finally, they have suggested tunneling into a remote resolver as a straightforward and simple countermeasure to mitigate on-going attack at the organization level. Verma et al. [14] have utilized the fact that DNS resolvers share the local DNS query rates to propose an amplified DNS attack mitigation system called Distributed Rate Sharing-based Amplified DNS-DDoS Attack Mitigation (DRS-ADAM). The authors claim that DRS-ADAM detects and completely stops an amplified DNS attack by imposing DNS query rate sharing among resolvers involved in an attack. DRS-ADAM has several advantages; deployment, robustness against manipulation, and attack mitigation.

What is the name of attack when an attacker sends series of DNS requests with spoofed source address being the target host?

Fig. 3. High-level architecture of a typical DNS amplification attack. Small number of DNS queries are being transformed into a significantly large payload coordinated at the target network.

Table 2. Summary of representative work that studied DNS amplification attacks; RL is Response Latency, ID is Input Data, and O(1,2,3) donates Other disadvantages: (1)modification of standard DNS resolver semantics, (2)third-party organizations, and (3)low detection accuracy.

[7] sFlow/SDN Near real-time detection
[8] Stale cache Simple, lightweight (1)
[9] One-to-one mapping Complete mitigation
[10] DNS authentication Cloud based service
[11] Tunnel/remote resolver Legacy compatible (2)
[13] ML/domain features Small feature space (3)
[14] DRS-ADAM Easy deployment
[15] RADAR Real-time detection

Aizuddin et al. [7] have incorporated sFlow with security-centric SDN features to analyze DNS query identifiers (IDs) for detecting and mitigating DNS amplification attack in a timely manner. Their analysis showed that the proposed method provides accurate detection results (more than 97.0%) even with a small number of flow values (DNS attributes). Kim et al. [9] have presented a DNS amplification attack mitigation system through a one-to-one strict mapping method between DNS requests and responses in order to identify orphan DNS responses. Their analysis showed that the proposed solution removes the possibility of false positive packets. Erhan et al. [83] have presented a new DDoS detection approach employing the Matching Pursuit algorithm for detection of resource depletion type DDoS attacks. Their proposed algorithm is able to detect low-density DDoS attacks.

Zheng et al. [15] have proposed Reinforcing Anti-DDoS Actions in Real-time (RADAR) which detects various DDoS attacks, such as link flooding, SYN flooding, and UDP-based amplification attacks. They do so through adaptive correlation analysis on commercial off-the-shelf SDN switches. RADAR does not require any changes in the SDN protocols and switches deployed in the network today, nor does it require additional appliances to detect attacks, making it an easy-to-plug solution in today’s operations.

Truong et al. [13] analyzed DNS traffic to design a detection system for recognition of pseudo-random domain names, including Conficker and Zeus, form legitimate domain names. The proposed detection system is composed of two main subsystems, including feature extraction and classification. The length of domain names and their expected values construct the feature space and classification section is composed of several classification algorithms, e.g., RF, KNN, SVM, and NB.

Recently, Lu et al. [84] have presented range-based amplification attacks, which allows attackers to overwhelm both outgoing bandwidth of the origin servers deployed behind CDNs and bandwidth of CDN surrogate nodes. Furthermore, Chang et al. [85] have presented a query-crafting attack where the attacker is able to control the DNS query payload to increase the threat impact per query.

Discussion. Despite the large body of research work on the detection and mitigation of DNS amplification and DoS attacks, such attacks are still prevalent and compromising today’s Internet. Table 2 summarizes the proposed methods in the literature and their strengths and weaknesses. Shortcomings of the proposed methods, which would require further attention from the community, can be summarized as: 1. increasing response latency due to detection process, which requires light-weight and latency sensitive detectors [7,9–11]. 2. requiring a range of changes to the DNS resolvers and semantics [8], which calls for work that address legacy-compatibility or require very little of such changes. 3. requiring large number of IP addresses to be collected every day [12], or requiring large number of flow rules [15], which calls for aggregate and light-weight feature engineering methods. 4. low detection accuracy, in some cases [13], which calls for improving accuracy through multi-modality of detection features.

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A review of amplification-based distributed denial of service attacks and their mitigation

Salih Ismail, ... Hind Zantout, in Computers & Security, 2021

3 Amplification-based distributed denial of service (ADDoS)

From the traditional command and control style attack, DDoS attacks have evolved into amplification attacks. This has been the most common type of DDoS attack in recent years (Akamai, 2018; Musil Steven, 2014; Prince Matthew, 2014). There are two essential aspects to this type of attack:


Reflection: The attacker spoofs the IP packets (IP spoofing) and changes the source address to the IP of the victim and sends it to some third party entity on the Internet.


Amplification: The third-party entities (mostly legitimate services provided like DNS servers) on the Internet which provide services respond with a bigger packet than what it received and sends it to the victim because the source IP address is that of the victim. In general the attacker chooses a query that provides bigger responses. The spoofed packet is generally a query and the reflector replies back to the victim with an amplified response (Colella and Colombini, 2014).

Fig. 6 shows the link between a reflector and an amplifier. A reflector would only act as a machine that allows IP spoofing, sending a response to the victim. However, an amplifier would not only be able to reflect but also to amplify the response thus creating more damage.

What is the name of attack when an attacker sends series of DNS requests with spoofed source address being the target host?

Fig. 6. Link between reflector and amplifier in ADDoS.

Therefore, a reflector would only allow for spoofing the source IP to target a victim. However, an amplifier is also a reflector but would also be able to send a response which has bigger size than the initial query.

We can observe in the literature (for instance, Ryba et al., 2015) that DrDoS (Distributed reflective Denial of Service) is the name given to the amplification attack. However, the reflector also amplifies the packet, so the name does not quite cover that aspect of amplification.

Fig. 7 shows how an ADDoS attack is carried out. The main difference between a traditional DDoS attack and ADDoS attack is the lack of a Command and Control Center. Furthermore, every query packet that is sent by the attacker is spoofed with the IP address of the victim.

What is the name of attack when an attacker sends series of DNS requests with spoofed source address being the target host?

Fig. 7. ADDoS attack architecture.

Based on our review of the related literature and attack software, we describe the attack process as follows in Fig. 8.

What is the name of attack when an attacker sends series of DNS requests with spoofed source address being the target host?

Fig. 8. Initiating and launching an ADDoS attack.


Scanning for reflectors: The attacker scans the Internet for public IP addresses that responds back to a spoofed packet. The attacker spoofs the packet and changes the source address to one of its own IP and broadcasts this packet on the Internet or particular subnet. The attacker then goes onto collecting IP addresses of reflectors that replied to the source address. This means these third-party entities allow IP spoofing.


Building the attack vector: Generally the attacker uses common protocols that allow for amplification like DNS, NTP, CharGen and many more. The attacker tries to combine various protocols to build a bigger and stronger attack vector. The attacker would try to collect many reflectors as possible that allows for the most protocols.


Consolidating the attack vector: The attacker compiles and consolidates the list of the reflectors and the amplification it performs based on various protocols. There would be many variables that are still unknown to the attacker at this point. For instance, the maximum bandwidth available to these reflectors, whether there is a time out session for replies, or does the reflector black-list if there are continuous queries etc. The attacker might still be able to estimate the approximate attack size.


Performing attack: The attacker at this point spoofs packets for all the protocols to change the source IP address to that of the victim. The attacker then sends the query packets to reflectors and awaits the impact on the victim. Steps (i), (ii) and (iii) might be performed by the attacker in advance.

3.1 Protocol breakdown

The protocols generally chosen to perform the amplification attacks are UDP-based. The three-way handshake and the difficulty in achieving the amplification in TCP is the main hindrance for TCP based amplification attacks. However Kührer et al. (2014b) has demonstrated that TCP based protocols also could be used for amplification attack. A classification of the UDP protocols that allow for amplification was done by Rossow (2014) as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. UDP protocol (Rossow, 2014).

Network Services SNMP v2 161 Monitoring network-attached devices
NTP 123 Time synchronization
DNS 53 (Primarily) Domain name resolution
NetBios 137 Name service protocol of NetBios API
SSDP 1900 Discovery of UPnP-enabled hosts
Legacy Protocols CharGen 19 Legacy character generation protocol
QOTD 17 Legacy “Quote-of-the-day” protocol
P2P File Sharing BitTorrent Any BitTorrent’s Kademlia DHT implementation
Kad Any eMule’s Kademlia DHT implementation
Multiplayer Games Quake 3 27,960 Games using the Quake 3 engine
Steam 27,015 Games using the Steam protocol
P2P Based Botnets ZAv2 164 P2P-based rootkit
Sality Any P2P-based malware dropper
Gameover Any P2P-based banking trojan

A similar study was conducted by Kührer et al. (2014b) for TCP based protocols shown in Table 2.

Table 2. List of TCP based protocols used in ADDoS (Kührer et al., 2014b).

FTP 21
IMAP 143
IPP 631
IRC 6667
MySQL 3306
NetBIOS 137
NNTP 119
POP3 110
SIP 5060
SSH 3389
Telnet 23

The research demonstrates that TCP based protocols could be used to perform amplification attacks.

3.2 Amplification protocols

The amplification factor varies depending on the respective protocol (TCP or UDP based) environment of the target and the network setup like firewalls, policies and mitigation solutions.

Furthermore the amplification factor can be divided based on the Bandwidth Amplification Factor (BAF) and the Packet Amplification Factor (PAF):

BAF=(len(UDPpa yload)amplifierToTarget)(len(UDPpayload)attackerToAmplifier)

We agree with Rossow to ignore other packet headers because this may change if there is an update to the protocol.

PAF=no.OfPacketsFromAmplifierToTargetno.OfPackets FromAttackerToAmplifier

The number of requests that was sent by the attacker and the number of packets that the amplifier responds to is calculated to get PAF.

However, Table 3 denotes the general amplification factor of most protocols. We can see that most studies focus on measuring BAF and not PAF due to the amplification that can be achieved with the size of the packet rather than the number of packets that can be sent to the target.

Table 3. Amplification factor of protocols as studied by Rossow (2014).

ProtocolBandwidth amplification factorVulnerable command
DNS 28 to 54
NTP 556.9
SNMPv2 6.3 GetBulk request
NetBIOS 3.8 Name resolution
SSDP 30.8 SEARCH request
CharGEN 358.8 Character generation request
QOTD 140.3 Quote request
BitTorrent 3.8 File search
Kad 16.3 Peer list exchange
Quake Network Protocol 63.9 Server info exchange
Steam Protocol 5.5 Server info exchange
Multicast DNS (mDNS) 2 to 10 Unicast query
RIPv1 131.24 Malformed request
Portmap (RPCbind) 7 to 28 Malformed request
LDAP 46 to 55
CLDAP 56 to 70
Memcached 10,000 to 51,000

3.3 Exhaust rate

The number of amplifiers that the attacker consolidates becomes unusable for the attack and the list of collected amplifiers are exhausted. Most of the third party entities that are used as amplifiers had a quick change in status due to various reasons like change of IP address, change of services provided, and implementation of anti-spoofing or better security architecture.Kührer et al. (2014a) studied the exhaust rate of amplifiers over a period of 13 weeks as shown in the Fig. 9 and this shows a very significant drop.

What is the name of attack when an attacker sends series of DNS requests with spoofed source address being the target host?

Fig. 9. Drop of amplifiers over the research period of 13 weeks.

As shown in Table 4, Kührer et al. (2014a) studied the exhaust rate of popular protocols used in ADDoS for a period of 13 weeks. There is a huge drop in the number of amplifiers from the initial scan to just the first week. For instance, the DNS amplifiers reduced by 47.5% and other dropped by half or more. By the end of week 13, the numbers reduced even further as the DNS amplifiers available was just 8.2 million as compared to 25 million in the initial scan. The exhaust rate needs to be factored in terms of a real attack as the studies above show that the exhaust rate of amplifiers is high.

Table 4. Result of exhaust rate study done by Kührer et al. (2014a).

Initial ScanWeek 1Week13
Protocol (#) (#) (%) (#) (%)
DNS 25,681,450 12,190,302 47.5 8,263,508 32.2
NetBios 2,853,213 1,455,351 51.0 979,266 34.3
NTP 7,269,015 6,859,043 94.4 4,222,060 58.1
SNMP 8,866,748 4,939,118 55.7 3,411,563 38.5
SSDP 5,336,107 3,088,148 57.9 2,067,830 38.8

Kuhrer mentions that one of the major reasons for the effect on the exhaust rate is because most of the amplifiers were connected to consumer routers and had dynamic IP address with low IP address lease times. This further supports our observation that the attacker will need to keep re-scanning to keep their amplifiers list up-to-date.

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Towards DDoS detection mechanisms in Software-Defined Networking

Yunhe Cui, ... Lianshan Yan, in Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2021

3.3.1 Bandwidth depletion DDoS attack

According to the previous works, the bandwidth depletion DDoS can be further classified into flood attacks and amplification attacks. For the flood attack, an adversary can command the zombies to send plenty of normal packets to the target server. The representative flood attacks are UDP flood attack and ICMP flood attack (Kolahi et al., 2015; Chauhan and Saini, 2015), where the UDP and ICMP packets are employed to congest the bandwidth of the target server.

Conversely, in the amplification attack, instead of commanding the zombies to directly send DDoS packet to the target server, the adversary makes the zombies send numerous requests to some specific servers such as the DNS servers or NTP servers. The source IP addresses of these requests are set as the IP address of the target server. After receiving these requests, these specific servers will generate the response packets and send these packets to the target server, which will significantly increase the attack rate and congest the target server’s bandwidth. The typical amplification attacks are the Smurf attack and Fraggle attack (Bouyeddou et al., 2018; Deshmukh and Devadkar, 2015).

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Bloom filter applications in network security: A state-of-the-art survey

Shahabeddin Geravand, Mahmood Ahmadi, in Computer Networks, 2013 DNS attacks addressing

With increasing the IP-spoofed requests forwarded to the DNS servers, the possibility of occurrence of the DNS amplification attacks is increased. In [107], a low-cost hardware approach consisting of two phases has been proposed to deal with such attacks. In the detection phase, the attack traffic is detected. In the second phase, the scheme distinguishes the forged responses from the secure packets by using two BFs which alternately store the requests in two continuous time periods. If the input response does not match a request in the two BFs, the response is illegitimate. The authors reported that this scheme is feasible to be employed at high speed links [107].

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Identity and access management in cloud environment: Mechanisms and challenges

I. Indu, ... Vidhyacharan Bhaskar, in Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 2018

5.2.4 Availability of services

Data centers provide huge number of services which are hosted in multiple servers. In order to support these services or a huge amount of data transfer, it requires proper network links with high bandwidth. There are several types of security attacks which affect the availability of a cloud based service like, DoS, DDoS, flooding attacks, DNS reflection and amplification attack. Basically, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are classified into two categories as direct and indirect attacks. In direct attack, a single malicious request creates the server overloads by exploiting a vulnerability or processing numerous requests. In the indirect attack, the flow of packets fully saturates the network links or intermediate routers with bogus requests which terminates the honest connections while reaching the bandwidth capacity. In order to overcome the impact of DoS attacks, it requires to setup a High Availability (HA) environment which spreads across multiple data centers and also requires a proper Disaster Recovery (DR) plan [61].

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Distributed denial of service attacks in cloud: State-of-the-art of scientific and commercial solutions

Aanshi Bhardwaj, ... Mauro Conti, in Computer Science Review, 2021

3 Categories of DDoS attacks

In this section, we provide a categorization of DDoS attacks from a cloud computing perspective. This examination is useful in order to appreciate how the various DDoS attacks can impact the cloud environment and to be able to design effective detection mechanisms for the same. The well known categories of DDoS attacks are mentioned first. This is followed by discussion on DDoS attacks by categorizing them based on which part of the cloud is attacked. Section 3.1 discusses DDoS attacks on cloud infrastructure components, Section 3.2 discusses attacks on cloud services, and Section 3.3 discusses attacks on cloud customers.

DDoS attacks can be targeted towards depleting bandwidth or depleting resources of a network or a combination of both these approaches. The categories of DDoS attacks are: volumetric (Gbps), protocol (pps) and application layer (rps) attacks. Volumetric attack or floods target the bandwidth of the network and can be launched through botnets or amplification. Protocol attacks target the compute and memory of servers and intermediate devices and often work at layers 3 and 4 of the OSI model on network devices like routers. Most attacks can be categorized depending on the vector and packet size, and the categories often overlap. Detailed description of DDoS volumetric and protocol attacks and their corresponding detection methods has been discussed in [58]. Application layer/layer 7 attacks are also viewed as a resource based attacks. These type of attacks target servers hosting some kind of a web application. The attackers in most cases make legitimate requests like a website user, and require very few bots to attack which makes it difficult to detect such type of attacks. As a consequence, these attacks displays much smaller traffic spikes. Application layer attacks are computed as requests per second (rps) or the number of requests made to an application. Detailed description of application layer attacks, and their corresponding detection methods has been discussed in [16].

What is the name of attack when an attacker sends series of DNS requests with spoofed source address being the target host?

Fig. 3. Categories of DDoS attacks in cloud.

DDoS attacks result in service disruption which is the primary effect. Service downtime/disruption leads to economic losses and short or long term business reputation losses. DDoS attacks in cloud might not always result in service downtime due to autoscalability feature of cloud. Autoscalability is one of the characteristics of cloud which automatically adds or removes computational resources based on usage at that instant. But it has the negative impact of increased billing costs for the cloud users. Additionally, since co-hosted VMs on a single physical server may be shared amongst different cloud users (multitenancy), there is collateral damage to non targets by disrupting their service and causing autoscaling of their resources as well. Fraudulent resource consumption results in economic losses to cloud users and reputation loss to cloud providers. Fig. 3 depicts the various DDoS attack categories from a cloud computing perspective. The attacker attacks different components of cloud according to the intent and existing vulnerability. The various cloud components that come under DDoS attacks are — Cloud Infrastructure (VMs, Hypervisor, Cloud Scheduler), Cloud Services (SAAS and web services) and Cloud Customers (Cost accountability component).

3.1 Attacks on cloud infrastructure

The attacks on cloud infrastructure are as follows:

Flooding Attacks: It is a denial of service attack in which a service is put down by overwhelming it with a large amount of traffic. The attacker floods the target with incomplete connections which consumes resources of target, and as a result, the genuine packets are not processed. Examples of flooding attacks are ICMP Flood, TCP SYN Flood, UDP Flood, ACK Fragmentation Flood, HTTP Flood.

Carpet Bombing: It is a new variant of common flooding or reflection attack. Instead of attacking a specific IP address, the attacker attacks multiple systems which are a part of subnet or CIDR blocks. Flooding CIDR blocks also overwhelms the mitigation system. The other issue is that detection systems usually rely on destination IPs but not on the subnets or CIDR blocks. This hinders the timely and accurate detection of attack.

Yo Yo Attack: This attack exploits autoscalability mechanism of cloud. The attacker sends periodic bursts of traffic which triggers the autoscaling process to alternate between scale up and scale down cycles. Rather than suffering from complete denial of service, the cloud users suffer from economic damage, i.e., the extra cost which has to be paid due to fraudulent packets causing the auto scaling process to scale up.

VM Sprawling: VM sprawling indicates the over abundance of resource draining VMs in the cloud environment, some of which may be obsolete. They are open to attack due to vulnerabilities that have not been patched up since the VM was last used.

Multi Vector: It is a new attack type in which the attacker combines different attack strategies to intensify the attack and make it difficult for systems to detect and mitigate the attack. The attacker may combine different types of flood attacks or may blend different amplification attacks or amplification attacks with traditional attacks.

Smurf & Fraggle: Smurf and Fraggle are amplification attacks. These attacks exploit the characteristics of broadcast networks. Smurf attack uses spoofed ICMP ping message to broadcast address, prompting each host to reply back, which further results in huge amount of traffic towards the victim. Similarly in Fraggle attack, the attacker sends spoofed UDP packets instead of ICMP packets.

CIDoS: Cloud Internal Denial of Service (CIDoS) attacks are those in which VMs attack their host with the help of covert channels. Each VM increases its resource consumption to disturb the host machine’s ability to process the increase in resource usage. These attacks are harder to detect as the attack pattern is very similar to normal traffic.

3.2 Attacks on cloud services

The attacks on cloud web services and Software as a Service (SAAS) are as follows:

HTTP Flood: The attacker send legitimate HTTP GET or POST request towards the server. The attack GET and POST requests are similar to the normal HTTP requests. These volume of requests is so large that it consumes the resources of the target, leading to denial of service.

Billion Laughs: It is also known as XML bomb or exponential entity expansion attack. The attacker targets the XML parsers. The attacker may send a well formed XML message with schema validation which consumes the resources of cloud.

Cross Site Scripting: The attacker injects malicious JavaScript code into the targeted website. The code gets triggered when the user visits such websites. Upon execution of the code, the consumption of target resources jumps up, resulting in denial of the services running on the target.

Coercive Parsing: The attacker intentionally includes large number of namespace declarations, continuous open tags, deeply nested XML structures, which clogs up the CPU cycles.

NTP, Memcached DNS Amplification: NTP is a reflection based amplification attack in which the attacker exploits the functionality of NTP servers. The attacker sends spoofed requests towards the NTP servers which results in large response. Large number of such amplified responses consume the target resources, leading to denial of service. Similarly, in Domain Name Server (DNS) and Memcached amplification attacks, the attacker exploits DNS and Memcached servers for generating high volume and high bandwidth consuming DDoS attacks.

Oversized Encryption Attack: The attacker crafts the SOAP messages by including oversized digital signatures. These digital signatures when processed consume a lot of space in memory, leading to denial of service.

XML Attack: The attacker sends flood of XML messages towards the target. These messages are complex and parsing them is time consuming. The attacker manipulates some fields of XML message which eats up large resources of web services, ultimately breaking down the server.

3.3 Attacks on cloud customers

The primary attack that directly targets cloud customers is as follows:

Economic Denial of Sustainability (EDoS): DDoS attack is transformed to EDoS attack for cloud customers. The attack targets the economic resources of the customers by billing them for fraudulent resource consumption. The illegitimate usage of cloud resources is caused due to autoscaling of resources which has in turn arisen due to attack traffic, and not the customer’s genuine traffic. This can lead to potentially infinite billing costs for the customer, leading to economic unsustainability for the cloud customer.

Inferences and Observations: At the network level, the most common attacks are TCP, UDP and ICMP floods, followed by reflective DNS, SNMP, SSDP floods. Fragmented packet attacks such as IP Fragment and TCP Segment are fairly common too. These attacks occur when reassembly of IP or TCP packet causes CPU saturation as packet is malformed with overlapping or missing values. They utilize very less bandwidth of attack/incoming traffic making them hard to detect. The common attacks at application layer are repetitive GET, low and slow attacks using Slowloris and its variants, slow read, and especially crafted stack/protocol/buffer attacks.

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1574013720304329

The evolution of IoT Malwares, from 2008 to 2019: Survey, taxonomy, process simulator and perspectives

Benjamin Vignau, ... Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj, in Journal of Systems Architecture, 2021

4.1 Goal (1)

The Goal (1) Category contains the features implemented by a botnet that capture its ultimate objective. This category contains five families: DDoS, PDoS, Spying, Income generation and Attack vector distribution.

The taxonomy of this category is given in Fig. 4, and a recapitulative table is given in Table 5 (see Table 2).

What is the name of attack when an attacker sends series of DNS requests with spoofed source address being the target host?

Fig. 4. Taxonomy: Goal category.

DDoS (1.1)

This family includes all features related to Distributed Denial of Services attacks (DDoS). This includes: Syn Flood (1.1.1), UDP Flood (1.1.2), ICMP (1.1.3), ACK-PUSH (1.1.4), HTTP (1.1.5), TCP XMAS (1.1.6), GRE ETH (1.1.9, GRE IP (1.1.10), VSE (1.1.11) and TS3 (1.1.12). These types of attacks aim to send as many packets as possible to the intended victim, thus overwhelming his resources. The different features mostly differ in the type protocol used to accomplish this task. For example, the UDP Flood proceeds using UDP packets. Most of these types of attacks are well known in the security community. We mention the VSE flood, which uses the Valve Source Engince protocol to attack game servers; the TS3 protocol is a VoIP protocol used by the TeamSpeak application and the TCP XMAS Flood, in which an attacker sends TCP packets in which every flag is set to 1.

The DDoS family also includes the DNS Amplification attack (1.1.7) in which each attacker request a different small DNS query, using the IP address of the victim. The DNS server will then send multiple responses to the victim, leading it to exhaust its bandwidth. The DNS water torture (1.1.8) aims to exhaust the authoritative DNS of the target. This is done by sending multiple random subdomain query to the DNS. Each of these attacks is described by De Dono et al. [10].

PDoS (1.2)

PDoS stand for Permanent Denial of Services or Physical Denial of Services. In this case, the aim is to physically disable an object by overwriting its memory (1.2.2) or by changing the rules of its firewall to drop all connection (1.2.1).

Spying (1.3)

This family includes two sub families: Industrial Spying and General Spying. The former groups all features that are specially crafted to spy on industrial plants or large corporations. The latter includes more general spying features, that target everyone, from common users to large multinationals. In the Industrial spying subfamily (1.3.1) we include features that map all local subnets (, features that monitor industrial controller such as SCADA ( and features that create a reverse VPN, which can be used by attackers to gain access to the local networks of the company. In the general spying (1.3.2) sub family, we have included features such as data exfiltration ( and data obfuscation ( used to steal data from users. This sub family also includes the man-in-the-middle attack ( and DNS spoofing ( which redirect users to malicious fake web sites in order to steal their credential. Finally it includes features that exploit other computers in the local network (

Income generation (1.4)

This family groups all features that are used to generate income directly using the botnet. It includes cryptomining features such as Bitcoin (1.4.1) DogeCoin (1.4.2), LiteCoin (1.4.3), Monero (1.4.6) as well as Ad fraud (1.4.5). In an Ad fraud scheme, bots navigate to a predefined website and click on ads in order to generate revenue to the botmaster. The most advanced form of profit generation is called Botnet as a Service (BaaS) (1.4.7). In this scheme, botmasters rent out the computational power of the infected devices in order to provide numerous services such as large scale anonymous proxy networks, credential brute-force etc.

Attack vector distribution (1.5)

As mentioned above, some botnet are rented out to spread other malware or other botnet. For example Sirmer and Streda [15] monitored the Necurs botnet and observed that this botnet was spreading another botnet. The taxa 1.5 groups features that are used by botnets to propagate other malware. This can be done by sending spam (1.5.1) or by backdooring infected objects and then using the backdoor to propagate other malware rapidly. We name this latter feature Backdoor as a service (BaaS) (1.5.2).

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1383762121001053

What type of attack is DNS spoofing?

What is domain name system (DNS) spoofing. Domain Name Server (DNS) spoofing (a.k.a. DNS cache poisoning) is an attack in which altered DNS records are used to redirect online traffic to a fraudulent website that resembles its intended destination.

What is known as a DNS attack?

A DNS Attack is any attack targeting the availability or stability of a network's DNS service. Attacks that leverage DNS as its mechanism as part of its overall attack strategy, such as cache poisoning, are also considered DNS attacks.

What are the types of DNS attacks?

Types of DNS attacks include:.
Zero-day attack. The attacker exploits a previously unknown vulnerability in the DNS protocol stack or DNS server software..
Cache poisoning. ... .
Denial of service (DOS). ... .
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). ... .
DNS amplification. ... .
Fast-flux DNS..

What is DNS hijacking attack?

Domain Name Server (DNS) hijacking, also named DNS redirection, is a type of DNS attack in which DNS queries are incorrectly resolved in order to unexpectedly redirect users to malicious sites.