What utility is created when goods are carried out from the place of production to consumer?

Four components – time, place, possession and form – make up the utility marketing model. Marketing models educate business owners, marketing and advertising professionals about consumer spending habits. Consumers purchase products for a variety of reasons. The utility marketing model takes into consideration how consumers feel about a product, the convenience of purchasing the product and obtaining the product when they want it.


Four components – time, place, possession and form – make up the utility marketing model. Marketing models educate business owners, marketing and advertising professionals about consumer spending habits.

The Time Utility Component

Ensuring a product is available when the customer wants it adheres to time utility. Consumer demand for products varies depending on the weather, holiday season or everyday wants and needs. For example, the demand for warm coats increases during the winter, and the demand for Christmas, Halloween or Easter decorations increases when these holidays approach, while the demand for soda and other soft drink products may remain the same throughout the year because customers can drink these products at any time.

The Place Utility Component

Place utility is the value consumers put on where they purchase products. Stores make it easier for the consumers to purchase items, as opposed to driving to a factory or warehouse where the products are manufactured or stored. Consumers find what they need in a place conveniently located near home or work.

The Possession Utility Component

Possession utility is the value consumers put on purchasing a product and having the freedom to use the product as it was intended or finding a new use for the product. For example, many people use flower pots for planting, but these pots have other uses such as storage for small objects found around the house or as a centerpiece for the dining room table.

The Form Utility Component

Form utility is the value a consumer sees in a finished product. Consumers purchase items such as furniture, electronics or vehicles in part because the consumer is incapable of finding and putting all the parts together to create the product. The customer sees value in the finished product, or the form created by each product part.

Importance of Utility Marketing

Understanding consumer demand allows you to make better business decisions. For example, determining when to increase production and inventory allows you to meet increased demand during specific times of year. Pinpointing which regions sell the most products or the types of retail outlets, including department stores or discount stores, that sell the majority of your inventory helps when determining how much inventory to send and where to send it. Understanding why consumers value your products helps you create more effective marketing campaigns.

Drawbacks of Utility Marketing

Since consumers purchase products for reasons other than the four types described in utility marketing, business owners should not rely solely on this method. Consumers make these decisions based on emotion, necessity, boredom or the need to compete with others.

| Updated Jun 26, 2020 (Published Feb 27, 2018)

In the field of behavioral economics, we often come across the term utility (see also key insights from behavioral economics). In this context, utility refers to the perceived value (i.e., usefulness) an individual receives when they purchase a good or service. There are four different types of utility: form utility, place utility, time utility, and possession utility. The extent to which these utilities affect purchase decisions depends on the individual. Nevertheless, it is safe to say that all of them can have a significant impact. Therefore, firms have an incentive to maximize the perceived utility of their products to attract more customers and maximize revenue. Hence, we will look at the four types of economic utility in more detail below.

1. Form

Form utility is created by the design of the product or service itself. The more precisely a good or service is targeted towards customer needs and desires, the higher its perceived added value (i.e., form utility) will be. In other words, form utility is obtained by transforming customer needs into products or services. To do this, companies analyze their target markets and survey potential customers to find out what they need. This information can then be used to align product features with actual customer needs. Thus, form utility can be created through things such as high-quality materials, ergonomic design, or a wide selection of options to chose from.

To give an example of form utility, think of a car manufacturing company. We’ll call it Super Cars. In theory, this company could sell all the parts of their cars separately. However, by assembling the parts (and manufacturing cars), Super Cars adds significant value for their customers and thereby increases form utility.

2. Place

Place utility can be obtained through the process of making a good or service more easily available to potential customers. The easier it is to purchase a product, the more attractive it becomes. Thus, place utility has a lot to do with distribution channels and the physical locations at which goods or services are sold. Additionally, some economists argue that even things like the discoverability of the product on the internet through search engine optimization affects place utility. After all, a wide variety of goods and services can be bought online these days.

Going back to our example from above, let’s assume Super Cars is an American company. If its cars are sold exclusively within the US, buying a Super Car is not very attractive for Europeans. However, if the company decides to open dealerships across Europe and sell Super Cars overseas, the availability (i.e., place utility) of its cars for European customers increases. 

3. Time

Time utility is created by providing easy availability of a good or service at the time when customers need or want it. The more easily and quickly a product can be purchased (and used) at that time, the higher its perceived time utility is. In addition to that, time utility is always high in times of scarcity. Hence, a company’s supply chain management has a significant impact on time utility. Among others, this includes processes such as logistics and delivery as well as storage. Companies are continually improving their supply chain management, which has led to services such as same-day delivery and 24/7 availability.

In the case of Super Cars, one way to increase time utility would be to reduce delivery times. Customers often have to wait several weeks or even months for a new car. However, many of them need their vehicles as soon as possible. Thus, if Super Cars manages to reduce delivery times by even just a few days, its cars become more attractive to potential customers.

4. Possession

Possession utility describes the benefits that can be derived from owning and using a specific product. Generally speaking, the more “useful” a product is to an individual, the higher its possession utility will be. In some cases – especially according to marketing theory – the term possession utility is also used in the context of facilitating possession, i.e., through easy payment methods such as credit cards or leasing contracts. The reasoning behind this is that a simpler acquisition process usually leads to a higher perceived value of a good or service.

For example, possession utility can be created whenever a client is handed the keys to their new Super Car. Simply because from that moment they have possession of the car and are free to do whatever they want to do with it. Additionally, Super Cars can create possession utility by offering leasing contracts, which make it easier for potential customers to get access to a new car.


In the field of behavioral economics, the term utility refers to the perceived value (i.e., usefulness) an individual receives when they purchase a good or service. There are four different types of utility: form, place, time, and possession utility. Form utility is created by the design of the product or service itself. Place utility can be obtained through the process of making a good or service more readily available to potential customers. Time utility is created by providing easy availability of a good or service at the time when customers need or want it. And last but not least, possession utility describes the benefits that can be derived from owning and using a specific product.

Which utility is created when goods are carried out from the place of production to consumer STD 11?

Place utility: When goods are carried from place of production to place of consumption i.e. to the customers, we say 'Place utility' is created.

Which utility is created when goods are carried out from the place of production to consumer Brainly?

Expert-verified answer Creation of place-utility takes place when the goods are carried from the place of production to the place of consumption.

What are the 4 types of utility?

People purchase goods and services to get some benefit or satisfaction. This allows them to fulfill a need or want when they consume it. This phenomenon is called economic utility. There are four basic principles that fall under this umbrella, including form utility, time utility, place utility, and possession utility.

Which of the following utilities is created by the production process?

1] Form utility – Form utility is the most obvious utility added in the process of production. It refers to a change of matter or substance to a more serviceable or useful shape or form. Hence it is known as form utility.