Which of the following are appropriate for an effective delivery in person of bad news to a client quizlet?

Which of the following is a recommended guideline for delivering bad news? Get to the bad news fairly quickly.

What is the most effective way of delivering a bad news message to a long term client?

Verbal delivery of bad news provides directions that bad-news recipients can refer to later. E. Compared to written delivery, verbal delivery can deliver bad news to more people more effectively.

Which of the following statements is true of delivering bad news in writing relative to delivering it in person?

Which of the following statements is true of delivering bad news in writing relative to delivering it in person? Delivering bad news in writing is considered more callous and impersonal than delivering it in person.

Which of the following are ways in which you can make the situation better for recipients of bad news quizlet?

which of the following are ways in which you can make the situation better for recipients of bad news? delivering the news in a timely manner, understanding the impact of the news on them, and choosing the right mix of communication channels.