Fix lỗi forza horizon 4 crashing when opening năm 2024

My crash exception code was 0xc0000005 . According to Windows support, it can be caused by an illegal program access from another program.

This kind of issue can be caused by your antivirus. As a reminder, its role is to check that noprogram running on your computer is doing anything dangerous to your operating system or to your computer data. To make sure of it, it often wraps processes or even look into it through code injection.

Code injection is also a strategy used by game hackers with various purposes that can be from enabling hidden features within the game, to inject mods, to add cheats, etc.

So in order to prevent illegal code injection within the game, it seems Forza Horizon 4 detects that something « forbidden » is happening and simply quits / crashes itself. The fix is simply to prevent your antivirus from injecting code within Forza Horizon 4 program execution.

Note that this kind of behaviour can happen to other games so I assume this fix could be applied to them (while hoping they suffer from this very issue as well).


It is also possible that the issue is caused by a different program that behaves like the "shell injection code" of your antivirus, which ends up monitoring or altering your game process and simply causes it to crash. There can be plenty of programs that acts like this and I won't be able to help you on this one since everyone have different kind of software on their computer so the list would be too difficult to maintain.


Most of the time disabling your antivirus could do the trick but keep in mind it is not recommended to do since your system will be completely vulnerable.

Instead try to look into your antivirus documentation for explanations on "how to disable shell code injection" or "how to add shell injection program exception".

But I miss 1 point where it should be reinstalled, I won't download 100gb again, i am tired of waiting for almost 12hrs.

A little update, tried to press the continue button without internet connection, can get inside the game but only for few second (arround 5 seconds), then it crashed again. It seems the game crashing when try to get online or something? \========================================================

Update, after selling our soul to the demons we actually manage know how to fix this. (thanks to 99ultra)